Sunday, March 27, 2011

1..2...3...say ChEESe!

Along with having a baby shower at our home yesterday, it was also PROM for Cole! He asked his sweet friend Jordan. ( I think they really like each other) We had this big discussion on wanting to take pictures of them before they left, being the parents of the girl sure does have it's advantages....He won, however I got a frantic call from Cole, telling me that he left his prom ticket at home! Darn, I guess I'll have to run it down to them at the restaurant, and in doing so take a couple of these! Wow, what a cute couple! I just shrieked when I saw them, and that hair wowsa!

Love you Cole!!!

1 comment:

michelle said...

Cole, you HANDSOME devil you. You guys look A.Maz.Ing. What a fun night--thanks for taking a few minutes to pose for our benefit!!